A deeply purple hued heirloom cornmeal makes a tender and just-the-right-amount of sweet cornbread.
A simple pomegranate relish sauce and a balsamic marinade transform this steak into a flavorful ...
A breakfast pizza with a spicy twist!
These Hasselback Kielbasa Bites are made with smoked sausage cut in a Hasselback style and coated...
This beef brisket recipe is slow-cooked in red wine. Hearty and rustic, it's the perfect dish for...
Homemade pigs in a blanket are the perfect last-minute appetizer - elevated using Source Farms p...
Incredibly flavorful and comforting is this collard greens soup with beans and ham.
You may win the next chili cookoff with this pork chili recipe.
This burger is the perfect representation of the Pacific Northwest, featuring local beef, marion...
Pickling can be an easy and quick task! Ingredients: 6-8 pickling cucumbers or 2-4 English cuc...
Ingredients: 3 Eggplants, sliced 2 large eggs, beaten 4 cups bread crumbs 1/4 cup chopped parsl...
This lemony kale salad with pecorino romano cheese, toasted pine nuts, and currants shows the bes...
Make your own healthy veggie chips at home with these easy oven-baked beet chips!
This cabbage slaw is perfect when you need something acidic to balance a savory dish!
Prepared with cream and fontina cheese, this rich gratin makes a decadent side dish for your fav...
This Roasted Hakurei Turnips recipe is provided by one of our team members and is a simple side t...
NOTE: This is a recipe that takes time and a little care, but it’s well worth it. It freezes beau...
These delicious Pulled Pork Sliders are warm sandwiches filled with shredded pulled pork tossed w...
Maple & Sage Breakfast Sausage is better than any breakfast sausage you can buy at the store...
Souvlaki is a classic Greek street food, served with warm pita and Tzatziki. Serves 4 Ingredie...
Serves 4 [NOTE: The marionberry is a variety of blackberry native to Oregon, prized in the Pacif...
Serves 4 [NOTE: Crushed red pepper flakes make a fine substitute for Aleppo pepper, but you’ll wa...
Serves 4 For the pork chops: ¼ c. kosher salt, plus more to taste 2 T. packed lightbrown suga...
Serves 6-8 Ingredients For the short ribs: 5 pounds bone-in beef short ribs, cut crosswise into 2...
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